
As one of the first Adobe projects I worked on and it was a lot of fun to program an enterprise level company's project. Flexbox plays a large role in the project. This project was organized to feature artists from Adobe Stock to help build awareness and show the creativity behind the work that goes into the stock photography on Adobe Stock. With filtering functionality and unique responsive styles this microsite provides an easy way to see beautiful content in a new way that is unique to Adobe and it's Adobe Stock brand.

View Demo

jQuery / JavaScript

    var currentItem = $( '.filter-list .list-item' ).text(),
    	output	= $( '.list-container .output-container' );
    	output.html( currentItem );

    // slide toggle for selector menu
    $( '.list-container' ).on('click', function() {
    	$( this ).toggleClass( 'open' );

    var results = false;
    if( $('#filtered-content' ).children('.results') ) {
    	var results = true;

    $( '.filter-list' ).on('click', '.item', function(e, results) {
    	var $this = $(this),
    		selectedValue = $this.text(),
    		item = $( '.list-item' );

    		item.removeClass( 'active' );
    		$this.addClass( 'active' );

    	$( '.output-container' ).text( selectedValue );

    	if( selectedValue === 'All' ) {

    		$( '.rendered' ).css( 'top', '50px' ).fadeIn(100).animate( {
    			left: '0px',
    			opacity: 1,
    			top: 0
    		} );
    		$( '.easier-searching' ).fadeOut();
    		$( '.find-inspiration' ).fadeIn();

    	} else {
    		$( '.rendered' ).animate( {
    			position: 'relative',
    			opacity: 0
    		}, 600 ).fadeOut();
    		$( '.find-inspiration' ).fadeOut();

    	$.getJSON( './assets/js/data/data.json', function( data ) {
    		var contribItems = [],
    			visualItems = [],
    			inputValue = $( '.output-container' ).text();

    			$.each(, function( data_key, data_value ) {
    				if( data_value.category === 'Contributor Spotlight' ) {
    					var contribBlock = htmlString;
    					contribItems.push( contribBlock );
    				if( data_value.category === 'Visual Trend' ) {

    					var visualBlock = htmlString;
    					visualItems.push( visualBlock );

    		if( $( '#filtered-content' ).children( '.results' ) ) {
    			$( '.results' ).animate( {
    				opacity: 0
    			}, 100 )
    			$( this ).removeClass( 'visible' );

    		if( inputValue === 'Contributor Spotlight' ) {

    			$( "
", { "class": "post-table clearfix results", html: contribItems }).appendTo( '' ); $( '#filtered-content' ).addClass( 'visible' ); $( '.results' ).css( 'display', 'flex' ) .animate( { opacity: 1, top: 0 }, 600 ).fadeIn(); $( '.easier-searching' ).fadeIn(); $( '.shareCustomLogo' ).each( function() { $( this ).jsSocials( { showLabel: false, showCount: false, shares: [ { share: 'twitter', url: $( this ).data( 'href' ), }, { share: 'linkedin', url: $( this ).data( 'href' ), }, { share: 'facebook', url: $( this ).data( 'href' ), }, ] } ); } ); $( '.fa-twitter' ).append( svg1 ); $( '.fa-facebook' ).append( svg2 ); $( '.fa-linkedin' ).append( svg3 ); } if( inputValue === 'Visual Trend' ) { $( "
", { "class": "post-table clearfix results", html: visualItems }).appendTo( '' ); $( '#filtered-content' ).addClass( 'visible' ); $( '.results' ).css( 'display', 'flex' ) .animate( { opacity: 1, top: 0 }, 600 ).fadeIn(); $( '.easier-searching' ).fadeIn(); $( '.shareCustomLogo' ).each( function() { $( this ).jsSocials( { showLabel: false, showCount: false, shares: [ { share: 'twitter', url: $( this ).data( 'href' ), }, { share: 'linkedin', url: $( this ).data( 'href' ), }, { share: 'facebook', url: $( this ).data( 'href' ), }, ] } ); } ); $( '.fa-twitter' ).append( svg1 ); $( '.fa-facebook' ).append( svg2 ); $( '.fa-linkedin' ).append( svg3 ); } }); });


    // HEADER
    #header {
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    		@include media( 850px ) {
    			float: none;

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    	margin-bottom: 45px;
    	@include media( 345px ) {
    		font-size: 2.025rem;
    #filtered-content {
    	display: none;
    	opacity: 0;
    	transition: ease-in-out .25s;

    #filtered-content.visible {
    	display: block;
    	opacity: 1;

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    		top: 50px;

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    			&:hover {
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    .container {
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    		@include media( 320px ) {
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    	.no-man-post {
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    	.tiny-atlas-post {
    		background: transparent url( ../../images/tinyatlasquarterly-adobe-stock-contributor-spotlight.png ) no-repeat center center;
    	.female-creator {
    		background: transparent url( ../../images/adobestock-thefemalecreator.png ) no-repeat center center;
    	.helen-fields {
    		background: transparent url( ../../images/adobe-stock-photography-helenfieldsvirtualreality.jpg ) no-repeat center center;
    	.view-from-above {
    		background: transparent url( ../../images/adobestockphotography-viewfromabove.png ) no-repeat center center;
    	.ryan-longnecker {
    		background: transparent url( ../../images/adobestock-ryanlongneckerspotlight.png ) no-repeat center center;
    	.digital-art {
    		background: transparent url( ../../images/adobestock-digitalartgetsdelicate.png ) no-repeat center center;
    	.natalia-hubbert {
    		background: transparent url( ../../images/adobestock-nataliahubbertspotlight.jpg ) no-repeat center center;
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    	a {
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    			font-weight: lighter;
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    						text-align: center;
    						margin: 20px 0px;
    						padding: 10px 45px;
    					.shareCustomLogo {
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    .results {
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    			@include flexbox;
    			@include flex-direction( column );
    			@include align-content( space-between );
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    			@include flexbox;
    			@include flex-direction( column );
    			@include align-content( space-between );
    .page-title.trend-central {
    	margin-bottom: 15px;
    	@include media( 767px ) {
    		line-height: 1em;
    .find-inspiration {
    	background: $white url( ../../images/fresh-inspiration-ad-adobe-stock-photography.png ) no-repeat center center;
    	background-size: cover;
    	color: $white;
    	height: 675px;
    	margin-bottom: 50px;
    	padding: 0px 60px;
    	@include media( 480px ) {
    		padding: 0px 30px;
    		height: 540px;
    	@include media( 320px ) {
    		height: auto;
    		padding: 60px 30px;
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    		@include align-content( center );
    		max-width: 575px;
    		height: 100%;
    		margin: 0 auto;
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    		margin: 0px 0px 40px;
    	.button {
    		margin: 25px auto 0px;
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    	@include flexbox;
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    	@include align-content( center );
    	@include flex-direction( column );
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    	max-width: 1365px;
    	margin: 0 auto 50px;

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